The Internet is a wonderful resource for new knitters and crocheters. Here are just a few of the helpful web sites from the Craft Yarn Council. For Spanish or French translations of yarn weights and standards, visit: or
Handy Spanish Translations
Judith Symonds, a teacher at Seth Boyden Elementary School in Maplewood, NJ, compiled helpful list of Spanish translations.
Wool = lana
To knit/knitting = hacer punto
Knitting needles = agujas
Yarn = hilado
White yarn = hilado blanco
Colored yarn = hilado de color
Hat = gorro
Sweater = chompa
Scarf =bufanda
Weaving = tejer
Spinning = hacer girar
Drop spindle = huso de la gota
Don't give up = no das por vencer
I am a beginner = soy principiante
I am a master knitter = soy maestro de hacer punto
We help each other = nos ensenamos
Sheep = oveja
Llama = llama
Can you teach me to knit = puedes ensenarme a hacer punto?
Sure, come and sit next to me = claro, sientate a mi lado
I think I made a mistake = creo que he hecho un error
Don't worry, you are using white yarn. Just keep knitting. = No te precoupes, estas usando hilado blanco. Sigue haciendo punto.
Wow! I see the stitch, I understand! Incredible! = ¡Veo la puntada, lo comprendo! ¡Increíble!