Do you love yarn? Do you want to share your love of yarn with others? Well look no further because the Craft Yarn Council has just the thing for you!
Join us on October 14 for I Love Yarn Day, where we invite you to spread your joy for yarn crafts and stitch it forward by teaching someone else how to knit or crochet. We’d love to read about how yarn has impacted your life and how you plan to stitch it forward.
The week leading up to October 14, we’ll be gearing up for I Love Yarn Day by sharing ways for you to tell the world how much you love yarn. Film a video about why you love yarn and post it on social media, download our “I Love Yarn Because…” template and post a selfie with it, or share a picture of you teaching someone how to knit or crochet - the possibilities are endless!
Make sure to use our hashtags #iloveyarnday and #StitchItForward when making your posts! Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest to get the latest I Love Yarn Day updates and inspiration!