Join Pat Catan’s for their campaign to Warm Up America! For the past 12 years, Pat Catan’s has partnered with Warm Up America! to raise money and collect donations to help people in need. The six-week campaign invites beginners and experts alike to whip out their yarn and make something to donate or give monetarily.
Last year, Pat Catan’s raised their biggest donation for Warm Up America! to date, collecting over $30,000. This year, they hope to beat that goal by raising $32,000.
The retailer began accepting $1 donations at all registers on January 6 and plans to do so until February 10. All stores will also be accepting donations of skeins and scraps of yarn to be used to create squares for afghans.
Stop by any Pat Catan's store with yarn scraps from home, from friends or even neighbors and drop them into the designated donation bins. Skeins can even be purchased at your local Pat Catan's to be donated! Pick up yarn from any donation bin to begin knitting or crocheting 7 by 9 inch squares that will later be used to create an afghan blanket.
Don’t know how to knit or crochet? No problem! Pat Catan’s is offering tutorials on basic knitting stitches and standard crocheting. Their in-store craft coordinators are also happy to assist you with constructing your first square and are available for any questions that you may have.
They are even holding square days and joining parties! Knitters and crocheters of all skill levels are invited to bring a family member or friend and attend one of their Square Days at a local Pat Catan's classroom to make 7 by 9 inch squares out of donated yarn together. Knit and crochet pros are invited to participate in an Afghan Joining Party. Volunteers are encouraged to stop in and transform donated squares into warm, fuzzy and complete afghan blankets.
On February 12, 2018, all completed afghans will be distributed by Pat Catan's team members to local community organizations. Hours of knitting, crocheting and joining blankets will come full circle when they reach the hands of people in need at local senior living centers, homeless shelters, women's shelters, animal shelters and Red Cross chapters. The giving spirit spreads during the six-week campaign because of your generosity and impact!